For jealous people what is their downside and how can this be rectified?

For jealous people what is their downside and how can this be rectified?

Dhamma Articles > Question and Answer for Life
[ Nov 21st, 2004 ] - [ read : 18269 ]
Luang Phaw, Sir, for jealous people what is their downside and how can this be rectified?
by Venerable Dhattajeevo Bhikku  
The people who have the bad habit of not wanting anybody to do well. Hum! How bad is it, how can it be rectified? You need to find the core of how it starts?

The jealousy started in a person who has less goodness or knowledge or capability than others for if one has more one doesn’t have to get jealous of others. Or they want to be better than others but they couldn’t be. Then instead of improving oneself to be equal or better, they think wrongly and badly. They don’t do good deeds but put people down due to misunderstanding and become jealous i.e. doesn’t want anybody to be better off instead.

Now when you know that there is little good within them. These reflect that the mind of these jealous people’s is dark. They can’t think creatively. They only can think of destroying and harming others. Be destroying wealth, reputation and harming others mentally and physically. Their mind is drifting to these thoughts only.

Therefore these people’s mind will be dull all day. As their mind is dull their speech would be disheartening i.e. they always have bad words coming from their mouth. They can’t say anything pleasant. They only blow out poison, and this replicate on their reactions. They only have bad stories, bad manner and twisted face. This is the reaction of people with little merit and they don’t think of accruing merit but always think of hurting people.

Now as they only think, talk and act badly. What would happen to them? Well, they have very little goodness in them and they don’t think of increasing good worth. On the contrary they increase mercilessness then their demerit keeps increasing it is like they are burning themselves every day. This is the negative result of jealousy.

Therefore when you have jealous feeling in your mind, put a stop to it right away. How do you stop yourself? By realizing that you are not so good because in the previous and present life you haven’t done enough good deeds. If you remind yourself this way there are ways to rectify this because you are on the right track.

Well what will you do? When you know that you have little merit, let’s accrue merit! How?

1. Work wise, whether it’s to earn a living or to accomplish any job allocated by the community, whether you are monks or lay people, every one has personal task at hand, do your best.

Then not only that you have to improve yourself. But again no matter how hard you have tried you still can’t compare yourself to others. Well! There is an easy way out just nicely ask for know how from them. This will help you to improve yourself faster; it helps you to not to go to hell!

Then you turn to the temple to study Dhamma and practice meditation. Or previously you never give donations, let’s do it, the same applies with following the precepts and meditation. And find out from your respected monks what the result of accruing merit is. Generosity induces wealth; you gain beauty through observation of precepts and intelligence through meditation. Let’s hold onto these principles.

Later if you need to know more then keep asking your respected monks. For example when you think you have everything but you still feel jealous because you don’t have followers. You are the wealthiest and good looking but not loved. Instead of asking yourself to why people don’t love you, you get angry at the people and become jealous of celebrities. Please don’t think this way. Ask the right question of what is wrong in me that people don’t like. And start to check yourself. If you can’t find it, ask your respected monks.

There are 4 principles that the Lord Buddha taught to make people love us

1. Be generous, it’s not only giving alms to monks but it means to share what we have to eat or to use including sharing the popularity not that we are the only one to gain good reputation.  

2. To talk in an endearing way. It doesn’t cost anything

Simply speaking:

1. We share what we have

2. Use the endearing way to talk to people because to encourage people there is no other way than positive words and vice versa. Kept checking the way we communicate then we will find out.

3. Whatever knowledge or ability we have, use it to help out others. It is the best way to be loved.

The 4th principle is be sincere to anyone and don’t be a back stabbing, be only truthful and provide safety. Simply speaking it is to gain love through generosity, speak kindly and positively and also provide safety if it doesn’t work nothing will.

This is only an example, for more details you need to find out from your respected monks. They will guide you as to how to accrue merit. Then you will come back and ask me how come people are jealous of you now. Please tell them then that you were like that before and how you corrected it. Let them know how to do it then it will be your merit.


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