If we are to promote anyone to a supervisory level, what are the required qualities?

If we are to promote anyone to a supervisory level, what are the required qualities? https://dmc.tv/a3486

Dhamma Articles > Question and Answer for Life
[ Aug 7th, 2006 ] - [ read : 18261 ]

Luang Phaw, if we are to promote anyone to a supervisory level, what are the required qualities?

by Venerable Dhattajeevo Bhikku

The principle of promoting someone to a supervisory level is not too difficult. Ok let’s listen to the principles first. There are 2 principles as follows:

1.That person should not be prejudiced. If the person is biased, no matter how skillful the person is, he will mess up the workplace. Therefore don’t appoint the person to a supervisory position.

The second principle is that supervisor has to have people skills. But as you know, you have to be cautious because those who have people skills, most of them don’t have the competency or don’t really devote themselves to their work. Some employees who are dedicated to their work would have less people skills. We have to weigh up well. Certainly you would like to have a person who is competent and has people skills at the same time. If they have both qualities then it is marvelous but it’s not easy to find, I have to warn you.

First, the supervisor should not be prejudiced because of favoritism i.e. he/she is then likely to appoint their close circle. Superficially you might think that he/she has people skills but in reality it is not. The work place will be wrecked because there will be lots of flatterers or incompetent workers and then you will be in trouble.

Then the next category is to be prejudiced because of strong dislike. Why is it so? The supervisor might be competent but would keep ill will against workers he does not like .

The next type supervisor is prejudiced because of fear for people who have connections. why is this so? Simply speaking when this type of supervisor comes across strong-headed subordinates, then this supervisor will not dare advising them. This means bias because of fear. If you have a supervisor like this, the workplace will be chaotic.

And the 4th category of supervisor is one who is prejudiced because of ignorance. Because not everyone in this world is all knowing, therefore there is a lot of chance to be bias because of ignorance.

The simple principle to promote someone to a leading position is as follows:

1. to find out that the person is not discriminating

2. to find that the person is not holding a grudge 

3. To find out whether he/she dares to advise subordinates.

4. Then you have to see if they are humble and they like to research and to progress and that they are prepared to listen to advices. If it’s the case, this type of person has the sign of being unbiased so he is ready to be a leader in the first instance.

The second instance is that he has people’s skills. Obviously when you are recruiting you would look for a capable person if not you will not promote him to a supervisory level. But be cautious because most capable employee would lack of people’s skills and on the other hand, the person who has people’s skills would be not as competent.

At this point for the capable workers who have less people’s skills, you need to guide them and gradually teach them the following:

1.That they know how to give and be compassionate towards subordinates

2.That they use endearing speech otherwise there will be conflict to death.

3.And keep teaching him/her not to keep the skills to themselves and that they know how to train subordinates 

4.And they are considerate and they aren’t overconfident and lookdown other people. When they did something wrong they would grieve. You need to guide them well.

The Lord Buddha gave the following principles on people’s skills:

To know how to give/share 

To use endearing speech and know how to motivate people

To be ready to lend a hand, most importantly to share the knowledge.

The fourth principle is to be just and considerate, they shouldn’t be arrogant and once being promoted to a leading position they shouldn’t look down colleagues. You have to examine well if they have this quality, it means they have people’s skills. If they need more skills then you can top it up.

For people who have people’s skills but are less competent then you need to train them harder. Before the promotion and if it is necessary to promote them, you need to guide them well, if not your work will be affected. These are simple principles. They shouldn’t be bias, also they should have people’s skills. As such the work will flow well because they are suitable to be supervisors.




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