Representation of the Mara Conqueror

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[ Oct 28th, 2008 ] - [ read : 18261 ]

Kathina 2008
The representation of the Mara Conqueror
2nd November 2008
At the end of Buddhist lent, the joyful moment comes to the hearts of all Buddhists. It is the time of robe offering ceremony, Kathina. The Kathina ceremony comes every year and takes place in all temples across the country.
Kathina means embroidery frame which monks use to sew their robes; also it means the equipment for monks to get a new robe after having been used for a year. In the Lord Buddha's lifetime, robes or clothes were difficult to find; therefore, monks acquired cloths from the bodies of the deceased. Some laypeople knew this difficulty and then offered monks a new robe. Thus, the Lord Buddha allowed monks to take a new robe from laypeople at the Kathina ceremony.

The Kathina ceremony is conducted by laypeople offering the Kathina’s robes to an assembly of monks at the temple. The abbot or the chief monk of that temple will unanimously allocate these robes to monks who have pre-requisites to receive Kathina. These prerequisites are: taking a full vassa (three months rain retreat) in that temple, and that temple having at least five monks staying during that vassa. The Kathina ceremony will be arranged within one month after the end of Buddhist lent; thus, the Kathina ceremony is not a special ceremony which can take place only once a year.

The Kathina is the jubilant moment which all Buddhists really want to participate in because it happened in the past, in the story of Tinnapala the gardener. In the lifetime of Buddha Kasapa, during the previous Buddha’e eon, there was a nameless pauper who worked in a garden. People in that time called him Tinapala, meaning 'the gardener'. He worked for only daily support such as foods and beverage in a millionaire’s house. At the end of Buddhist lent, the millionaire wanted to offer robes in Kathina ceremony, and he told his pupils to follow. Tinnapla heard that news and wanted to offer some robes but all he had was one cloth for himself. So, he sold this last cloth which he was wearing and was only able to buy a needle and a spoon of thread to be his necessities for the kathina. Then he wore leaves as his clothes. When, the millionaire knew his action, instead of blaming on him but he praised him with delight. The Amarindra Sakka, King of Tavatimsa heaven realm, heard his good deed then appeared in front of him and praised him by granting him some wishes. In stead of wishing to be rich or wealthy, Tinnapala wished for four things: he wished himself not to harm any females by any actions, not to be parsimonious, not associatiate with fools , and to have a noble wife. After the Amarindara blessed him, the king of the country heard his good deed and called him to appear for an audience and asked him share some of his merit. With his sharing merit to the king, he was rewarded a lot of properties by the king. At the last day of his breath, he reappeared in the heaven and was born in this Buddha’s eon, the present Buddha’s lifetime- Gotama Buddha. With his merit cultivated from his past life, he could attain the Arahanthood and entered the Nirvana.

This year the special moment of the Kathina in Dhammakaya Temple is coming again. This year is very special since it is the first time that the Dhammakaya temple is respectfully  inviting the most venerable Pramongkolthepmuni (Luang Pu Sodh Candasaro) to be the president of the ceremony. Through Luang Pu's representation by his  golden statue, it will be like he is present at this ceremony in real life, showing up in front of millions of laypeople. Making merit with him even though he has passed away is just as worthy as if he was alive. He used to say in a sermon that “Everyone who dedicates something to me for merit whether I am dead or alive will receive the same fruits. This Kathina is a special opportunity for laypeople who have already donated gold (to cast his statue) to engrave their names on each golden sheet in the rounded Jhana base of the golden statue. The rounded Jhana base of luang Pu Pramongkolthepmuni represents the state of inner attainment of dhamma. In meditation, the Jhana base supports the body of enlightenment (Dhammakaya). So the Jhana Base is very important in terms of meditation practice. Moreover, the Jhana is the state of meditation that will bring jubilant feelings and happiness to those who attain it. Therefore, any donator who can have their names engraved on a golden sheet in the rounded Jhana base of lung Pu Pramongkolthepmuni’s statute will appear in his sight and enjoy the eternal happiness. One of Luang Pu 's speeches relating to the Jhana stated that
“Peace and Happiness attained in Jhana excels all other happiness in the three realms”

The Schedule for The  Kathina ceremony
with Phramongkolthepmuni (Sodh Candasaro), The Discoverer of Dhammakaya Meditation, as the President of the Ceremony

Sunday, 2nd November 2008
    at The Dhammakaya Meditation Hall, Wat Phra Dhamakaya,
Pathum Thani, Thailand 
Morning session   
8.30 – 9.00 AM    Morning chanting
9.00 AM              Paying homage to the Triple Gem /           
                         Meditation practice,led                         
                         by Phraratbhavanavisudh
11.00 AM            Meal offering to the Sangha
11.15 AM            Lunch break    
Afternoon Session  
1.15 PM              Arrival of Phraratbhavanavisudh at the ceremony
1.20 – 2.00 PM    Delivery Ceremony of the Kathina Robe
2.00 PM              Phraratbhavanavisudh, the chief monks for the 
                         ceremony,Meditation Session
2.40 PM              The Kathina robe-presentation ceremony
3.15 PM              The End of Kathina Ceremony
3.30 PM              Phraratbhavanavisudh receives the donation and
                         gives the sermon.
4.15 PM              End of the ceremony    
Presentation of the “Super Rich x 2” Gift Amulets     
4.15 – 4.20 PM     Venerable Dhammadhorn phaiboon
                          Dhammavipulo explains the procedure of the 
                          presentation of “Super Rich x 2” gift amulets to
                          the layppeople who attend the ceremony 4.20 – 5.15 PM     The monks present the “Super Rich x 2” gift                           amulets to the laypeople who attend the                           ceremony   Worshipping of Dhammakaya Cetiya
                          and Venerable Meditation Masters Ceremony
5.15 PM               The laypeople chant praising verses in unity as
                          worship to Dhammakaya Cetiya and Venerable 
                          Meditation Masters

5.45 PM               The End of the Ceremony. Laypersons
                          return home safely The Representation of
                          Kathina Robe at the main Chapel
6.00 PM               Phraratbhavanavisudh and the monastic order
                          attend the representation of Kathina robe
                          ceremony at the main chapel

Tag : dhamma  


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