Vesak Day, 2015 in Mongolia

Vesak Day 2015 was organized by Mongolia Meditation Center, the representative of Wat Phra Dhammakaya and Dhammakaya Foundation, in corporation with various organizations in Mongolia. The event was held on June 6th, 2015 at the National Sport Stadium in Mongolia.

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[ Jun 25th, 2015 ] - [ read : 18268 ]
Vesak Day, 2015 in Mongolia

Vesak Day 2015 was organized by Mongolia Meditation Center, the representative of Wat Phra Dhammakaya and Dhammakaya Foundation, in corporation with various organizations in Mongolia. The event was held on June 6th, 2015 at the National Sport Stadium in Mongolia.

This event was successfully organized by the help of a volunteer force of more than 500 people, being in charge of the event – before, during and after. There were many volunteers from several universities such as National University of Mongolia, University of Medical Sciences and University of Engineering Technology, etc.

Prior to the event, all volunteers were trained to get necessary information such as the importance of Vesak Day and the volunteers’ missions. Other than that, they practiced basic meditation with the venerable monks as well. Then they helped prepare various types of equipment; for example, they helped mold candles, assemble floating lantern and put up lamppost etc. These volunteers took turns to help prepare the event in their spare time when they were free of class.

On the day, all volunteers got together for rehearsal before the actual event began, and they also unified their minds with the practice of meditation. After that, the volunteers distributed equipment to attendants diligently and delightedly.

Meanwhile, more than 3,000 Mongolians attended the event with delight and joy in merits. Some came with their family – parents and children, and older people also attended the event in their national attires by which they looked unique and eye-catching.

During the ceremony, there was a little cool shower from the blue sky refreshing the body and the mind. The ceremony proceeded smoothly and peacefully. Everyone chanted to pay homage to the Triple Gem, meditated and listened to the monks chanting, lit the ground lanterns and floating lanterns to commemorate and worship the Buddha. Moreover, a loving-kindness and merit were also dedicated to ancestors, relatives, loved ones and all living beings. The smile on their faces shows their joy in the merits from attending this event.

Once the ceremony was over, the volunteers helped pack and clean the site right after the ceremony and the day after.

This event has proven to us the power of faith ingrained in the minds of Mongolians towards Lord Buddha and the power of teenage volunteers participating in this ceremony.

All the team members would like to respectfully thank Luang Por Dhammajayo for his kind idea to begin the ceremony of Vesak Day in Mongolia since 2008. The event has been organized continuously and this time was its 8th anniversary. Mongolians and the team members have accumulated great merits continuously every year.


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