Change the World in Bangladesh

After Dhammakaya Temple had offered 250 Buddha statues to the temples in Bangladesh, Dhammakaya temple cooperated with many Bangladesh organization to arrange the 1st World-PEC contest in Bangladesh and it was successful. Yes! It is the first step of the real world peace.

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[ May 21st, 2011 ] - [ read : 18275 ]
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Change the World in Bangladesh
The First Step of the Real World Peace
Edited from the Inner Dream Kindergarten program broadcasting on DMC


The ceremony of offering 250 Main Buddha statues on May 7th, 2010
Since Dhammakaya Foundation had offered 250 Main Buddha statues to the temples in Bangladesh on May 7th, 2010, the Buddhists in Bangladesh have been alerted to restore the Buddhist Customs back again.  A lot of them go to worship the Main Buddha because in the previous time there had been only the pictures of the Lord Buddha there.  The amount of Buddhists who go to the temples is increasing, for example, there are hundreds of Buddhists going to practice at the Ramusima Vihara Temple.  In addition, in the Mahamad Nakhon Community, there are over 70 Buddhist households but there was not any temple in this community.  But after the residents have got the Main Buddha image, they build the Chantikunyu Vihara Temple together to establish the Main Buddha image there.  They also go to the temple and meditate together at least one hour a day. Finally, this temple becomes the center of people in this community.
A lot of Buddhists in Bangladesh go to the temple

The monks and congregations at Chantikhunyu Vihara Temple

On March 18th, 2011, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo’s disciples flew to Bangladesh to introduce one of the best projects in the world that is the World-PEC contest.  The Most Ven. Phra Maha Dr. Jinabodhi Mahathero, the vice abbot of Chittagong Buddhist Temple, the founder and the president of Buddhist Research and Publication Center, kindly accepted to be the president of World–PEC committee.  The staff selected the area of the municipality secondary school in Chittagong for the open ceremony.  The Most Ven. Dr. Gyana Ratna, Chairman of Oriental Languages Department, University of Chittagong, kindly took his students to prepare the work area.

The Most Ven. Phra Maha Dr. Jinabodhi Mahathero

The Most Ven. Dr. Gyana  Ratna unveiled that he would like to restore the activities of Buddhist student’s club in the university back again after it had been disappeared for a long time and he welcomes to take his students to participate all activities held by Dhammakaya Temple in Bangladesh as well.

The Most Ven. Dr. Gyana  Ratna (the 3rd from right) and the volunteers

The 1st World–PEC Contest in Bangladesh interested a lot of people.  There were over 1,500 examinees and they were grouped to be 509 teams to have the contest at the contest centers.  Ten contest centers were in the four main cities in Chittagong.  Before taking the contest, everyone had vowed that they were Buddhists in Bengali among the hundreds of other religious disciples.  The atmosphere in the examination room was full of love and warm.  Some families, all members came together to join this contest.  They helped each other to read, find the best answer and answer.  It is the good signal that the Lord Buddha’s teachings will be come back and prosperous in Bangladesh again in the near future.
The historic picture of vowing to be the Buddhists

The warm family is the first step of World peace

The warm family is the first step of world peace

The Most Ven. Dhamapriya Mahathero, the former president of Sangha Supreme of Bangladesh, had kindly accepted to be the monastic president and he unveiled happily that this contest is very good and benefits the examinees directly.  Thai people usually make merit here by offering alms, but in his opinion the contest on that day is more valuable.  He had read the Warm Family book and thought that this book is good for both Buddhists and other religious disciples.  If the readers apply in their daily life, their families will be certainly happy and warm.  When he went to give the sermon, he introduced this book to Bangladesh people to know that this book would bring happiness to their families.
The Most Ven. Dhamapriya Mahathero
The former president of Sangha Supreme of Bangladesh
Mr. Palas Barua

Mr. Palas Barua, the vice president of World Buddhist Sangha Youth Association, unveiled that he was glad to see this activity happened in Bangladesh and it would bring the prosperity to Buddhism.  He is willing to persuade his friends and everybody to help Luang Phaw to restore the original Buddhism in Bangladesh until it is successful and prosper.  He also believes that the power of meditation is able to change the world and bring the real world peace as well.

Translated by Chadawee Chaipooripat


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