Black Magic and Three Wives

One man got 3 wives. The first wife and the second one were suspicious that he was under a spell of black magic from the third wife so they coordinated together to find someone to help resolve the black magic. After he had passed away for 8 days, his third wife prepared a ceremony to receive Dhamma from Kuan Yin Goddess. They said, this ceremony was from the higher class in Taiwan, and it can powerfully dismiss the recipients name from hell.

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[ Feb 3rd, 2005 ] - [ read : 18277 ]
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Case Study
Black Magic and Three Wives

Dearest Luang Phor,

My father and my mother loved each other. When my father’s grandfather passed away, his grandmother set for him to have an arranged marriage with another woman. My mother agreed to be the second wife because she was so in love with my father and couldn’t get over my father in her mind. After my mother had lived with him for a while, she realized that he was a womanizer, as well as being handsome, so she was afraid that he would take more brides from outside the home. My mother introduced a third wife for him. She was the housekeeper in our home who cooked and took care of the children. The third wife compromised and obeyed my mother, so my mother allowed her to be his third wife.

But something about that appeared to be strange. Normally my father didn’t like a person without any responsibility; he would scold them immediately and he was never interested in anyone else except the third wife. The first wife and my mother were suspicious that my father was under a spell of black magic from the third wife so they coordinated together to find someone to help resolve the black magic. After that my father got better. Finally the third wife lost authority in our house and left to live in another house.

At the beginning of the year 2006, my father at the age of 60, was grazed by a motorcycle. After that he coughed up blood and the doctor had to examine my father and he discovered that it was lung cancer. That caused my father to quit drinking whiskey and beer and to quit smoking cigarettes. He went for an operation on one side of the lung causing him to have poor health and exhaustion. But my father’s habit was one of a diligent person who liked to work so hard that it made him become seriously ill. When the doctor gave him another check up he found that the other lung had an infection and he also had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Three days before he died, his senior relatives prepared to perform a merit ceremony to renew his life; his 7 children put 62 lit candles in a circle within 3 seconds at midnight in an outdoor area.  If the candle light went out, it meant our effort was unsuccessful but we had not yet done anything. My father showed symptoms of a coma quickly and died alone in an ICU room due to rapid heartbeat, which was up to 140 beats per minute. He was 61 years old.  

After my father died, I told everybody not to cry and to try to perform every merit, put on audio Dhamma tapes and put up Phra Dhammakaya pictures, and place pictures of meritorious activities everywhere in the house.

But the third wife believed in Kuan Yin Goddess, mediums and trusted people who had the same beliefs for 10 years. After my father had passed away for 8 days, his third wife prepared a ceremony to receive Dhamma from Kuan Yin Goddess. Everybody had partaken in it except me because I didn’t have faith in that belief. They said, this ceremony was from the higher class in Taiwan, and it can powerfully dismiss the recipients name from hell. Only a virgin girl can perform this ceremony and she would also get the privilege to not go to hell. In addition everyone who joins in this ceremony can get that same privilege too.

I have been pursuing perfections in this temple since I was a student. I came to join in the Female Dhammadayada Training in the year 1994. After that I have always come to pursue perfections with every merit. At the end of the year 1999 I got into an accident when I was crossing the street; the car hit me, my head knocked into the glass of the van and made me bounce far from there - about 3 meters. I laid quietly and visualized the Buddha’s image in the center the 7th Base Level with my conscious mind. For me to discover how much injury I had sustained     I had an x-ray taken of me that resulted in the following:  the brain didn’t get any injury, there was no concussion and there was no blood in the brain. However my pelvis had been broken but there was no need to apply a cast. That caused the male nurse to be surprised and he asked me, “What amulet do you have?” “I have a Luang Pu Wat Paknam amulet,” I replied.

The oldest daughter of my father’s first wife was a nurse. She came to Phra Dhammakaya temple to be a volunteer in the Dhamma resolution section. She came to the temple for only one year and since then she has never come again. At that time she was never interested in marrying anyone but now she’s fighting against Phra Dhammakaya temple and wants to get married. That has caused many men to fool her and no one is true to her.
1.    My father received black magic from his third wife, is that true or not? If the third wife did that, how did she take action?

2.    What was the cause of my father’s death? Why did he have rapid heartbeat? Where did he go after he passed away? Can he receive the merits or not? Does he come to visit us and does he have anything to do with us?
3.    The ceremony to renew life, if successful, can help my father or not? If that ceremony couldn’t help, how would we perform it the correct way?  
4.    Does the black magic life ceremony have any danger to everybody who joins in it or not? If it does, how do we resolve it?
5.    What kammic retribution caused me to have a serious accident where I got hit by a car and what merit helped me to be safe?  
6.    I always have gas in my stomach and get regular stomachaches with so much suffering. I went to see the doctor; I received an x-ray and an ultrasound but still couldn’t find the cause. What is the retribution that makes it happen this way? How can I resolve it?
7.    What kammic retribution caused my mother to be a mistress although my father and my mother loved each other before everyone else?
8.    Why did my mother have 2 abortions, have a difficult life in childhood, and have so much depression and resentment? What can I do to help my mother?
9.    The oldest daughter of the first wife used to come to join our temple but now she is fighting against our temple. How did she pursue perfections with our community?
10.    Why was I born into a family that had so many wives? How did my family used to pursue perfections with our community? Why am I the only one in my family to come to the temple who is serious about pursuing perfection?

Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)
1. Your father didn’t receive black magic but was only in love with the younger wife. The third wife was younger than the first wife and the second wife.
2. Your father died from lung cancer, and a strong heart rate. He really tired like everyone else. His present retribution was due to him smoking cigarettes his whole the life and that caused him to have lung cancer.
  • After he passed away he was reborn as an earth sprite (Bhummadeva) in an earth sprite village at a joss house with the merits that you dedicated to him.

  • The merits helped him to become an earth sprite before going to major hell or purgatory because of drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, being a womanizer and having a lot of negative kammic retribution. Also he didn’t know about demerits and merits so his present situation is the best that he can possibly receive and have. 


  • Your father did come to visit but couldn’t communicate with anyone. He did leave a message that you shouldn’t fight with each other, and you should live together in peace and he received the merits that you dedicated to him more than any others. 

3. Your father finished his life period. Whether you do the life extending ceremony or not, he will die. Furthermore his body can’t live because he has no lung.

4.  The renew’s life ceremony and the black magic ceremony can make everyone miss the truth. It is difficult to know the truth and attach with this belief that after he died he can’t go to high Heaven but he can only be an earth sprite (Bhummadeva) or sorcerer’s retinue.

  • To cancel someone’s name from hell is not easy to do. It must be accomplished by accumulating merits and studying and practicing the Lord Buddha’s Dhamma in Buddhism. Don’t be interested in those and don’t waste your time. 

5.  Violent fighting retribution and killing animals for food retribution in your past life took action. In one life, you were a hoodlum woman and liked to fight with other women many times.

  • Your merits that you had done with our community in this life and the power of the amulet made you safe. 

6. Your retribution from the past life, fighting among women, took action to cause you to get gas in your stomach also. You must change your habits and only eat more easily digestible foods, fiber foods, and drink a lot of water, try not to have constipation, move your bowels on time, exercise and make your mind clear.

7. Your mother had remnants of past life retribution of breaking the third precept by being a male and a womanizer, and therefore presently being the second wife, although they loved each other before. And in that life your mother made a woman pregnant and you were not responsible for her therefore she had to get an abortion with resentment and depression.

  • You must let your mother learn about the Law of Kamma from the Dhamma satellite  dish. That will make her understand the truth of life more, and also advise her to perform more merits. Then her mind will be in the merits and she won’t waste time with thinking, depression or being resentful. 

8.  The eldest daughter from the first wife of your father used to pursue perfections with our community but it wasn’t continuous so she had the lineage to pursue perfections with our community. Later she heard some bad news about the temple. She believed them and fought against the temple. 


  • You must cool her off and explain the truth to her when you have the opportunity. It will depend on her mood and timing.

9. Your remnant of retribution from being a womanizer was gentle so it caused you to be born into a family with many wives. 

  • Your family pursued perfections with our community very little so they don’t understand about pursuing perfections and they have the wrong beliefs.  


  • You continued to pursue perfections before but many times it depended on your mood. In this life, you will be rich or nearly rich. 


  • So you know about this,  and you must devote yourself to pursue perfections and make your resolution to follow the community to the Special Merits Zone in the fourth level of Heaven (Tusita Heaven).

Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.

Tag : peace  


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