Son Must Not Receive Heritage

He was born with a scar on the left chest. When everyone in the family saw the scar, they suddenly knew that he was reborn from the previous life but did not know whom. When he saw my uncle and my aunt, he called them father and mother. No one believed that he was my uncle and aunt’s son that was reborn.

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Jan 26th, 2006 ] - [ read : 18273 ]
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Son Must Not Receive Heritage

Dear Luangphaw,

I am student of Dream-in-Dream Kindergarten School.  I was born in an agricultural family at Nakornpanom Province.  I have eight brothers and sisters in total.  I am the eldest.  I had a tough life since I was a child.  During that time, there was no clock.  All of us relied on cockcrow.  I got up after the first cockcrow to pound rice and plough.  I thought that life was only to plough, to get married after growing up, taking care of children, and passing away.  People gradually died and there was nothing more than this? I thought of ordination since I wanted a happy life similar to a monastic in a movie.  She would happily sit still with peace.  However, I did not know how to experience real happiness.  After I found the Dhammakaya Temple, I found a happy way of living. Now, I have an encouragement to pursue perfection without getting bored.  I also would like to know the story of my family members and myself.  I am submitting my case study story as follows:

My father had ordained for four to five rainy seasons.  Later, he disrobed as he could not pass Dhamma examination.  He might be embarrassed and afraid that people would know that he failed the examination or else I could not guess it right. He became the headman of a village after his disrobe.  He was respected by people since he was kind, honest, and helped others.  Not too long after disrobing, he met my mother.

My mother did not like him at first because she already had a boyfriend.  She was only sixteen years old.  My father however did not give up on her.  With a prestige of the village headman and affection to her, he brought his parents to propose her.  She had no choice since parents of both sides agreed on the marriage. He moved to her house after marriage.  My father did not have any treasure with him since the tradition of the village was to not give any treasure to sons.  Instead, sons had to find their own money. Nevertheless, with his hard-work and thriftiness, he earned money and had some savings to buy land for plough.  Lands at the time were thick forests.  I remembered when I was three years old; he had me sit on his neck to clear the grass everyday.

When I was four-years old, my parents quarreled because of poverty and they separated.  I stayed overnight with my father and met my mother at her house in the morning since both houses were not far from each other.  My mother was pitiful for her children and returned to my father. This made my maternal grandfather very mad and did not give my mother any heritage; although she was his only daughter and he loved her very much.  Basically, both my father and mother did not have any heritage from their parents.

In 1973-1974, when I was twenty years old, it was a revolution period. Communism was expanding.  There were a number of people around my residential area who would like to change the government.  My family was also on their side, except for my second sister.  

One day, government soldiers were chasing the Communists down from a forest to a farm.  At that time, we were having dinner.  The Communist being chased ran to me and told me that he got shot in his leg and could not go further. I thought of helping him.  But when I saw my father fell down, I thought he got shot as well.  I then left that man and helped my father instead.  He had tiffin carrier and a can as a drinking container in his hand. The tiffin carrier and can were shot with lots of holes.  The sound of gun shot was so thundering that I thought that all my family had died.  I heard my sisters behind me and no one got hurt.  My buffalo was fine, but others’ got shot.  My father said that an angel protected us and therefore, we were fine.

One day, even though our family was on the same side as the revolution organization, they suspected us and planned to kill the entire family because they thought we brought the government soldiers to surround them. Luckily, we knew before hand. My father hired a car to transport his children to escape from this village and to live with my father’s friend in Kampangpetch province. Only my second younger sister, who was married, did not go with us because she was on the government’s side.

While living in Kampangpetch province, my father rented farm land from locals for planting rice and vegetables to feed our family. One day, my mother had serious stomach pain and asked her children to stamp on her stomach but it was not better. My father delivered my mother to a hospital. She was there for a few days and passed away at the age of 48; even the doctor did not know the cause of her death.

After we stayed in Kampangpetch province for 3 years, my father evacuated us to Nakornpanom province and stayed with my younger sister who did not escape.

My father had to hide in the Temple in Sakonnakorn province, and he could not come back home because they would kill him. After everything went back to normal, my father went back to Nakornpanom province. He died in his sleep when he was sixty years old. My youngest brother was born in 1972, during the revolution war. He was born with a scar on the left chest. When everyone in the family saw the scar, they suddenly knew that he was reborn from the previous life but did not know whom. My aunt, who helped deliver, ordered not to let the diaper burn. If it burns, the baby would not remember anything.

When he was two years old, he started talking and wanted to go to my uncle’s house; who was my father’s older brother and lived in the same village. Then my mother took him to my uncle’s house. When he saw my uncle and my aunt, he called them father and mother. No one believed that he was my uncle and aunt’s son that was reborn. He took us to see Tamarind tree that he planted and his clothes in the closet. He touched his tartan shirt which he had worn before. Every one was surprised because all he told us was right.

Especially my aunt, when he called mother, cried and had a happy tear that her son was reborn. He told about his previous life that he was my uncle’s son, which was the family of revolution party. He was shot by the soldiers at the field.  He pretended to be dead on the first shot. When soldiers thought that he was dead and walked close to him, he shot two soldiers to death. Afterwards, he was shot by the soldier nearby that area and died. He called his father and mother until he died. In the past life he had a wife and a daughter.

When we newly moved to live in Kampangpetch province, and when my youngest brother was over two years old, he talked to himself that he really missed his wife and his daughter in Nakornpanom province. He wished to stay together. When he met his past-life wife, he would be shy. His past-life wife teased him that she will get married again. He told that “Do not remarry, I am begging you.” Also do not tell anyone that I love you.    

Currently he is a border police at Nakornpanom province. He even ordained for Dhammadayada 17th in 1989. He currently cannot remember about his past life. His past-life wife still respects him as before. When her daughter (in the past life) was getting married, they invited him to be a president at the wedding ceremony as a father-in-law but he did not go because he was shy.   

He also was younger than his past-life daughter; he was 33, his past-life daughter was 35, and his past-life wife was 61 years old.  I went to install Dhamma Satellite to all my younger sisters and brothers, and all family came to temple in 2004.

My second sister was a merit leader who took everyone to Dhammakaya Temple during the time when the temple was accused. She arranged seven to eight buses to bring people to make merit. Her husband drank alcohol till he died with liver cancer. Currently she lives with a dumb son.

When my nephew, son of my third sister, was twelve to thirteen years old, he was a good boy. After he ordained with the fifth and sixth and Youth Dhammadayada training, his studies were better. When he was a teenager, he had friends that drank alcohol, did drugs, smelled glue, quarreled, and gambled.  My sister cried everyday. She even thought of suicide many times. She also had to pay for fine and compensation, and had to take title deed to insure in order to fight the case.

At the age of 23, he came to Bangkok with his friend and passed by Wat Dhammakaya. It made him think about Luang Pu because he ordained as a novice monk for a short period.  He and his friends stopped by to prostrate Luang Pu and have his protection blessing, and also visited me.   

Since we met, I suddenly took him to listen to dream in dream kindergarten school.  The first night, Laung Phaw told about hell level 5. When he listened to Laungphaw about law of Kamma, he was crying. In the morning he prostrated me and told me that he will absolutely quit alcohol because he was scared of hell.
1. Why was my father born in the village where the tradition is “sons must make efforts to get money themselves” so he did not receive heritage from his parents?
After he married to my mother, my maternal grandparents did not give their heritage to her because they were angry at her. What kamma made them not inherit anything from their parents?

2.What kamma my father has, so he had to escape the revolution organization that tried to kill him?
Where has he been reborn after he died?
Has he received all the merits that I dedicated to him?

3.What kamma made my mother die?
Why could the doctor not find the cause of her illness? Where has she been reborn after she died?
Has she received all the merits from my dedication?

4. On the day my father was shot all over the tiffin carrier and can, he and his buffalo were safe. Is it because of protecting angels or what merit he had accrued?

5.Is it true that my younger brother is my uncle’s son reborn? If so, how did he feel before he died in the past life? What was his omen of suffering?
What retribution drew him to be reborn with my parents not his previous parents?

6.Although in his past life he killed people before he died, why did he not go to hell?
What made him to be reborn?
How should he resolve the bad kamma that he did in the past life?

7.Why does a scar on his body from his past life show on his new body although these bodies are different bodies?

8.Where has my second sister’s husband been reborn after he died from liver cancer?
Has he received the merit?
What retribution does my second sister have, so she has a dumb child?
What deeds did he do to become dumb?

9.What retribution made my nephew first ordain in a short period, later unconsciously associate with fools but reform himself after learning about law of kamma from watching Dream in Dream kindergarten program for only an hour?

10.What kamma did I have that I was born in the midst of a battle and had to lead a life in constant fear and danger but later on what merit made me stay in the safe place and pursue perfection with Dhammakaya community?
What should I do to be reborn in a delightful and happy place?

11.How have I and my nephew been bonded?
How have I and my nephew pursued perfection with Dhammakaya community?

12.I am working in Khun Yay’s Dining Hall. How will personnel and staff who prepare food for monks and clean the dining hall and monks’ attendant receive fruits of good deeds?

I would like everyone to stay to make merit together and do not want anyone to leave.


Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)

1. Your father had to be born in the village in which the tradition is “sons must make efforts to get money themselves” so he did not receive heritage from his parents because of his past kamma. His stubborn kamma and stinginess from the past life causes him to be born in the forest and in the family located in remote rural area as well as has to seek treasures himself. Also, in the past life, he had an attitude that “sons must make efforts to get money themselves”, therefore, he faces the same thing in this life.
  • Once he married to your mother, your maternal grandparents did not pass their heritage to your mother because, they were angry to your mother. Your mother had similar kamma to your father’s which were being stubborn to her parents when they thought to do good things, and being stingy. As a result of these, your mother did not have enough wholesomeness to receive heritage from your maternal grandparents.
2. Your father had to escape the revolution organization because he was afraid of being killed. This is a consequence from kamma that he associated with fools both in the past and present. In the past life, he was a soldier and associated with revolution organization but once he knew that the revolution organization was about to loose, he escaped, and the same plan adhered to him to repeat again in this life.
  • After passing away, your father becomes middle-level earth-sprite having a small house like a hut from wholesomeness that he traditionally ordained for a while, and accrued from Buddhism traditions. Also, there are several kamma that cause his mind not to be clear as it should be.
  • He received all merits you dedicated to him; which made all of his living conditions better.
3. The doctor could not find the cause of your mother’s illness because of her killing kamma from abortion and helping others to carry out abortions. The way she did was stamping on stomach until the fetus became blood broth and came out of mother’s vagina.    
  • Also, there was one case that she stamped on mother’s stomach and made both mother and fetus die. Consequently, the doctor could not find the cause of your mother’s illness as well as your mother’s life span was over.
  • After death, she was around for a while. Once she received the dedicated wholesomeness and repaid all retributions, she was born as a human.
4. On the day your father was shot all over tiffin carrier and can but he and his buffalo were safe because he did not have retributions from killing. He did not have any angels protecting him.
5. The story that your brother is your uncle’s son reborn is true. In that life, he did not want to die and wanted to see his parents as well as had ordination wholesomeness protecting him; so he was reborn as a human right away even though he killed others.
  • He was born with your parents instead of being born with his previous parents because he has same level of wholesomeness and kamma as your parents. After he was shot to death, he walked in a swinging manner and met your father, and then he approached your father for help. He tried to call, tap and shake your father but he was an astral body so he could not do anything and was drawn into your father’s stomach.
6. Before death, he killed human but he did not go to hell because his ordination wholesomeness helped him. 
  • This life, he has to accumulate lots of all merits; dana (giving generosity), sila (holding 5 precepts), bhavana (meditation), and make wishes to escape from that retribution.
7. There is a scar on his body since he was born, even though, it was a scar from his past life and these bodies are different bodies. There are various reasons. Your younger brother, before he was born, was shot to death. The killing kamma caused the wound on his astral body and bleeding as well as suffering as if he was alive. Then, he walked in a swinging manner and asked your father for help but his astral body was drawn into your father’s stomach as mentioned above.  When he was born in this life, his mind was still attached to his previous life and together with his killing kamma, as a result, there is the scar located at the same location, even though, they are different bodies.

8. The husband of your second younger sister died from liver cancer because, both in the past and the present lives, he killed animals for foods and snacks to eat with liquor.
  • After death, he went straight to major hell level 5 immediately from his drinking kamma. He is being poured hot black acid by denizen of hell. He is extremely suffering and could not receive any merits.
  • Your second younger sister has a dumb child because, in the past life, she cursed her child to be dumb. In that life, her current child was also her child but this child in that life always argued with parents which made her angry and cursed him to be dumb. Therefore, they become mother and son again in this life and her son is dumb so the mother has to raise the dumb child.
9. Your nephew ordained in short period. After he disrobed, he unconsciously associated with fools but reformed himself after learning about law of kamma from 1-hour watching Dream in Dream kindergarten program because he used to pursue perfection with Dhammakaya community but, in some lives, he associated with fools so this adhered plan brought him to the fool association again. However, the merits he accrued with Dhammakaya community pulled him to learn about law of kamma and he is able to reform himself right away.

10. You were born in midst of a battle and had a life in which you had to be afraid and suspicious of dangers because, in the past, you were a soldier, but not the soldier of the king who left the throne for ordination, you fought in wars and were flirtatious. You paid some retribution back already. This life, you face only remnants of past retributions to be born in the midst of a battle.
  • Later, you have a safe life and pursued perfection with Dhammakaya community because of wholesomeness in the later lives; that you met and pursued perfection with the Dhammakaya community but you did not make all round wishes, so the past retributions caught you up and made you suffer. However, later the merits you accrued with the Dhammakaya community pulled you back to pursue perfection with the Dhammakaya community again.
  • You have to accrue all merits and make all round wishes to prevent the past retributions from mistakes to catch you up.
11. You and your nephew have strong connections, and pursue perfection with the Dhammakaya community. Since you were your nephew’s virtuous friend in many lives, the merits you both accrued together make you love and have tight connection together.
  • You used to pursue perfection with the Dhammakaya community as a provider dependant upon moods (sometimes did and did not do in other times) and did not make all round wishes so the stingy retribution can catch up. 
12. You are working in Khun Yay’s Dining Hall. Personnel and staff, who prepare foods for monks, are monks’ attendant and clean the dining hall will receive following fruits of good deeds.
  •  They will have adhered beauty, treasures and qualifications to next lives, close gate to hell and go to heaven, will have long life, social status, happiness, strength, intellectual, remove poverty plan (in the next lives, you will have complete life and will not have suffering like this life), etc. Therefore, you have to make all round wishes everyday. 
  • Since we have met each other in this life, therefore you must try to pursue perfection in all merits with fullest efforts and make a wish to follow the Dhammakaya community to Tusita (fourth level of heaven), in the special merit zone – bodhisattva as well as do not be apart from each other again.

Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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