It Is Precious

I told my husband to get a divorce. After that, I started drinking, traveling the whole night, and having about 20 lovers because I wanted to sadden many guys.But finally, the nightmare that haunted me for a long time was over. I met an ideal husband.

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Feb 11th, 2006 ] - [ read : 18276 ]
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It Is Precious
Dear Luang Phaw whom I respect the most,

    I am a student of Dream in Dream Kindergarten who has watched only this channel without being interested in any other channel again. Due to my life’s problems, I’d like to ask for Luang phaw’s mercy to answer my questions.

    My eldest brother was married and had 2 children. His wife was married before and had a child with her previous husband. My brother was not a flirt and loved only his wife, but she had a lover from the same neighborhood whom she always visited and lived with for almost a year.

Though his wife was such a flirt, my brother didn’t blame her. He hardly told his problems to people, so he became depressed and started drinking. At least, though he was drunk, he didn’t have problems with anybody and didn’t harm his wife through neither his speech nor body, yet he was patient just for the sake of his beloved son, but he finally became insane that caused him to see a picture of somebody who called him and he ran after that person. After my 5th sister became a sorcerer, she let a spirit take him back. Since then, his symptom became better.

After his mental problem was gone, he started making merit, performing alms-offering to monks in every morning and becoming a vegetarian in a whole year. Besides, he even started a Kathina portion for a temple located in the province he lived in. When his business didn’t run well, he would repeatedly pray “Buddho Buddho Buddho” to calm him down. He mentioned that somebody wanted to take him but he told that person to wait until he had a chance to see his youngest son’s ordination.

When all his 3 sons turned 20, they got ordained; and in the morning after their ordination, he tumbled and his head hit a wall until he died from blood congestion in his brain at the age of 52.

    My 3rd brother was a taxi driver married with a lady who worked at Pattaya. This brother was such a flirt and had at least 4 wives. He had an 8-9 month-old child. But due to his poorness, his wife’s sister didn’t like him, so she told her sister to run away from him, and she really did by leaving her 8-9 month-old daughter with him.

Back then, I was not even 10 years old yet. I assisted my brother to take care of his baby for about 2 months. One night, this baby girl suffered from hemorrhagic fever, but I didn’t know it, so I just held her the whole night and realized in the morning that she was already dead in my arms. My brother was so sad from this incident, so he started to become a grumpy man and liked to hit me. Up to now, he still doesn’t like me.

    I sold groceries and wild animals before. When I was 16 years old and sold stuff in a bazaar, I got a chance to meet my first husband. We got married and had a daughter together. He was such a gambler. Every morning, he left the house for card games and came back at night. Back then, I hardly saw him. The more he gambled, the more money he lost. When he lost money, he would steal my money for more card games until I couldn’t stand it anymore and that caused us more and more fighting—from only speech fighting to physical one.

Once, he left the house for card games and didn’t come back home for 4-5 days and that made me so mad that I didn’t allow him to enter the house for 3 days; so he shot the house with rubber bands and broke many things in the house, but I fought back by throwing stuff out from the 2nd storey of the house. Our fighting was continued for 3 days before he sneaked into the house when I was unaware and hit me a lot before leaving.

I was so stressed out that I kept myself in the room for a few days. When a next-door neighbor wanted to see me, my mind was still depressed so I tried to run away through a window but I accidentally fell to the ground; that broke my back and my legs and hip were dislocated. When my husband came back home and saw that, he said “You deserved it because you chased me away from the house.” And then he left away with his stuff and never came back again.

Finally, we both broke up. When I turned 22, I worked in a Bar in Pattaya. Here, I met my second husband. He was a Belgian who traveled in Pattaya and met me in the bar I worked at. He liked me because he thought that I was nice and generous. We had 1 daughter together. But though I succeeded escaping from my first husband, it was worse to meet this husband. One year after our marriage, he had a mistress. When I could catch him, I told him to decide if he wanted that lady or me.

Instead of making a decision, he forced me to accept that lady. I was so distressed that I’d like to commit suicide but I finally changed my mind for the sake of my kid, anyway he later got slightly bored of that lady. One year after that, he started drinking; and every time he was drunk, he would hit and pound me.

Once, he was so drunk that he defecated in his sleep, so I took him to the bathroom for cleaning. But when his consciousness was recovered, he went on a rampage, straddled my body and pounded me a countless times until he lost energy and went back to his sleep. My whole body was bruised and my face bled. This picture is still in my mind.

He kept pounding me until I had another pregnancy. When my pregnancy was 4-5 months old, I came back to Thailand to get an abortion; and then I met a sorcerer to ask about my child. He mentioned that my child became a baby spirit and he didn’t want to become a human because he didn’t want a difficult life. After recovery, I told my husband to get a divorce. After that, I started drinking, traveling the whole night, and having about 20 lovers because I wanted to sadden many guys.

But finally, the nightmare that haunted me for a long time was over. I met an ideal husband. He was an American military person who traveled in Pattaya. We met and started dating. He asked me about my life and I told him everything. Instead of having an aversion to me, his sympathy for me grew even more until he confessed that he would like me to be his spouse though he had a wife but he and his wife separated and they were in the process of divorce.

Back then, due to the unforgettably bad experiences from my previous husbands, I was not sure if he would be as nice as what he said or not, so I tried to test him by acting badly for 9 years so that he would come back to his wife.

I traveled, drank alcohol, and was flirtatious. I socialized with lovers in front of him and even brought my lovers home to show him. But he was a very kind man. He never got mad at me or refused me anything, and not even complained. Whenever I asked him for money, he never complained; though I made mistakes, he always forgave me. He always told me that “You must suffer a lot from your past; that’s why you act this way. I’m never mad at you and never blame you.”

Every time, my relatives had problems, he would solve their problems. Once, my mother was sick, he brought her to a hospital and took good care of her as if he was also her child. Finally, I surrendered to his goodness, quitted doing every bad thing and intended to be his good wife for his goodness.

We became spouses by law in the year 2004 (B.E.2547) after he and his wife already got divorced, and we had a daughter together.

One year before our marriage, I was a student of a beauty salon where was a meditation center in Pattaya, so I had a chance to meditate. Watching DMC, I started understanding about the truth of life. Later, I recommended it to my husband and he was really interested in it since Buddhism already interested him before. He liked to search for temples in internet and visited them.

When he got to know DMC, his faith was even increased. Currently, he is working in Afghanistan. He sent me some money to cast personal Buddha images. At his neck, he wears a Buddha locket all the time, and he cooks some food to offer to the Lord Buddha on every Buddhist day of worship on quarter moon days. He promised me that if he could work in Thailand, he would get an ordination.


1. What retribution caused my eldest brother to have a flirtatious wife? Who has more sensual retribution between a husband who has a flirtatious wife or a wife who has a flirtatious husband?

2. While being insane, my brother saw a picture that somebody called him. What was that picture? Why was his symptom better after my 5th sister who was a sorcerer told a spirit to bring him back?

3. Who was the person who mentioned that he would take my brother? Why did he do that? Where did my brother go after his death? How did the merit from the ordination of his sons give an effect to him?

4. Did I get any demerit from letting my niece die because I didn’t know she was sick? After my young niece died, was her astral body taken? How did she go to her new realm? Where is she now? Did she receive the merit I transferred to her?

5. Why is my 3rd brother very poor in this life? Did he and I have any retribution together that caused him to dislike me since my childhood? What shall I do to make him understand me more?

6. What retribution did I have that caused me to have husbands who were such drinkers, flirts and liked to pound me?

7. What retribution caused me to flee away through the window and had an accident that broke my back and dislocated my hip?

8. How will the demerit from getting an abortion affect me in the future? Did my aborted son become a baby spirit liked what the sorcerer told me? How can I solve this retribution?

9. Why was my 3rd husband still nice to me though I treated him so badly? Were we spouses before? What retribution will I get from treating him badly like that? What can I do to solve it?

10. How did my 3rd husband, my 3 daughters and I pursue perfection with our merit-making group? Why don’t my 3 daughters from different fathers love each other? How should I teach and train them? What should I do to be able to follow our merit-making group to the end?

Thanks a lot to Luang Phaw whom I respect the most.

Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)

1. Your eldest brother had a flirtatious wife because the remnant of sensual retribution from the life he was a flirtatious wife took action. It was the picture of his past.

  • A husband who has a flirtatious wife and a wife who has a flirtatious husband have the same level of sensual retribution; for example, a husband has a flirtatious wife because of the retribution from his past, but it becomes a new retribution of the wife; and a wife has a flirtatious husband because of her old retribution, but it also becomes a new retribution of her husband.
2. While being insane, your brother saw a picture of somebody calling him. That picture actually happened because of the own alcoholic retribution from his past. Nobody really did call him.

  • His symptom got better when your 5th sister told a spirit to bring him back because his retribution was slightly decreased. No matter if he was called back or not, he would still become better. In the contrary, if his retribution was still a lot, he wouldn’t come back no matter if he was called back or not.
 3. The person who told your eldest brother that he would take him away was an area authority who saw that your brother’s life would end soon.

  • After your eldest brother died, he became a high-class earth sprite living in an earth sprite village because of the merit he made in Buddhism and the merit from his 3 sons’ ordination.
4. That you let your niece die from her sickness because you didn’t know so you didn’t take care of her didn’t give you any retribution. It actually happened because of her own retribution that she killed a lot of animals, especially baby ones. It was not because of you.

  • After she died, she reincarnated as a human instantly and was not a baby spirit like what the sorcerer said, so she didn’t receive the merit transferred to her.
5. Your 3rd brother is poor because he was stingy when he was a rich person. He didn’t like to perform donation and didn’t support his family. This retribution took action.

  • This brother hasn’t liked you since your childhood because he thinks that you are the one who caused death to his child, but you both didn’t have any retribution together from your previous lives.
  • You need to be nice to him and don’t be mad at him. One day, he will see your goodness and stop being mad at you.
6. That you had many husbands who liked to drink, flirt, gamble and hit you because you acted the same when you were a guy. You drank, flirted and gambled because you socialized with the fools who drank, flirted, gambled and hit their wives, and you had their habits.

7. You fled away through a window and fell onto the ground that broke you back and dislocated your hip because when you were a guy who socialized with fools, you were a gambling dealer. In that life, you asked a gambler debtor for payment and hurt him until his back was broken; his hip was dislocated and got bruised just like you in this present life. That retribution took action.

8. You gave an abortion to your son. If this retribution takes action, you will be given an abortion too, or it may be difficult for you to have children or you may suffer from some sickness related to womb. If the sensual retribution takes action too, you will suffer from bad diseases like womb cancer, breast cancer, etc.

  • Your aborted son already reincarnated for many times because of the abortion retribution from his past life, but he didn’t become a baby spirit like what the sorcerer said.

  • To solve it, you need to perform every merit—donation, precept observance and meditation until you can attain Dhammakaya, also you need to release fish and animals, etc., and often transfer merit to the son you gave an abortion too.
9. You acted badly to your 3rd husband, but he was still nice to you because you both were spouses who asked each other to perform merit in your previous lives.

  • From how you treated your husband, in your next lives, if you are born a guy, you will have a flirtatious wife just like you in this life; and if you are born a woman, you will have an abnormal thought about your gender. When you are dying, if you see these pictures, your mind will be saddened and you will go to a major hell.

  • To solve it, you need to forget every mistake from your past and don’t make any more mistakes, also you need to pay full attention in pursuing perfection and making every merit—donation, precept observance and meditation and make a wish to be away from this retribution. You need to seriously do these things everyday.
10. You, your 3rd husband and your 3 daughters pursued perfection with our merit-making group up to emotion; sometimes you made merit, sometimes you didn’t, and sometimes you did it only once in a while, which caused you to be away from our merit-making group for eons.

  • Your 3 daughters from different fathers don’t get along well because of your own retribution that you performed donation without respect and you liked to fight with your siblings. This retribution took action, and it’s normal for the siblings from different fathers not to agree with each other.

  • To solve it, you need to be nice to your 3 daughters in the same level and need to teach them to love each other, to be harmonious, to forgive, to smile, to be patient and share things to each other, etc.

  • Since we have met again in this life, you need to pursue perfection in every merit with all your might and make a wish to follow our merit-making group to the special merit zone of Tusita (the 4th level of heaven), the land of Bodhisattva and never stray away from our group.

Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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