My father does not believe that heavens and hells exist

Questions from an audience who has a lovely father. She wanted the suggestion about...

Dhamma Articles > Law of Kamma
[ Aug 25th, 2012 ] - [ read : 18266 ]
My father does not believe that heavens and hells exist

Questions from the audience:

Even though my father is not my grandfather’s eldest son, he has given up everything for his siblings.  He prefers to make the worldly support merit although he has meditated and seen the inner light, but he does not believe in the afterlife and the existence of heavens and hells.  He told me that Nirvana was in the mind and he meditates to calm his mind and solve his works only.  What should I suggest him?

Your father is kind, loves his siblings and relatives, and has good habits.  He prefers to help his siblings and relatives, it is the good thing so that he is the beloved one and gets respect from everyone.  He meditates and sees only the light which is as bright as the dawn, so it is not enough to change his mind or cause him to understand the truth of life.

You should suggest him to meditate more until he sees the complete brightness which causes him to more understand.  In addition, while you are making merit, you have to make a wish for him to attain Dhamma because his mind is basically good.

By the Most Ven. Phrathepyanmahamuni (Dhammajayo Bhikkhu)
October 24th, 2003

Translated by Chadawee Chaipooripat


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