Signal Systems

Signal Systems

Dhamma Articles > DMC_Sattellite
[ Jan 1st, 2006 ] - [ read : 18276 ]
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  Signal Systems

There are two signal systems

1. C-Band System transmits in the frequency spectrum of 3.4 – 4.2 Ghz. The frequency band is wide and covers many countries.

Advantage: this system is suitable for a big country because the range of the transmitted frequency could be covered nationwide by only one satellite. For example in America, Russia, China and Indonesia.
Disadvantage: because of the big coverage area the satellite needs 4-10 footprints.


2. KU-Band System transmits with 10-12 Ghz which is higher than C-Band. Its coverage area is smaller, that's why it's mostly used within single country coverage, such as in America, Japan and in Europe.

Advantage: the signal strength is high, that's why the small satellite dishes (80-120 centimeter) can be used. For example, the CabelTV receives the signal through DBS (DIRECT BROADCAST SATELLITE) with 11.7 – 12.5 Ghz in the Digital Compression from America.

Disadvantage: the footprint of KU-Band is narrow, and the coverage range is small. The signal loss is higher than in C-Band, so the pictures can disappear in bad weather


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