What is DMC?


Dhamma Articles > About DMC
[ May 18th, 2008 ] - [ read : 18275 ]
From the first day we were born until the last moment of our life, we are faced with happiness and miseries. Based on Lord Buddha’s teachings, both the former and the latter is the result of our bad and good deeds from our past lives and our actions dictate the cycle of reincarnation. Have you ever wonder what is the path to end the cycle of reincarnation and the way to eternal happiness? DMC has the answer!!!

    DMC is a Buddhist satellite television and a white channel, ethic channel. It broadcasts, for 24 hours a day, media programs based on Buddhist teachings.DMC programs are suitable for all viewers regardless of age, gender, religion, race, nationality, and sexual orentation. DMC’s various shows include: Dhamma music, motion pictures, and documentaries. DMC also broadcasts live its most famous program: the Dream Kindergarten School from Monday to Saturday evening starting at 7.00 PM (Thai Time, GMT +7). This program, which is led by The Most Venerable Prarajbhavanvisuth, Dhammajayo Bhikkhu, also known as Kru-Mai-Yai, will help us understand the true meaning of life.

    All the shows will bring you peace and inner happiness into your life.





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