Answer by Law of Kamma :- I am a superstar

Questions from an audience who is a famous actor. He would like to know why he is successful easily and what can he do to keep it.

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[ Sep 18th, 2010 ] - [ read : 18259 ]
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I am a superstar

Questions from the audience:

Why are some stars or singers famous in the short period?  Why are some stars or singers famous in the long period?  What retribution do these occupations make?  I have shown in TV and magazines, what kind of retributions have I got?
What has caused me to be successful easily and many people like to support me?  I always achieve everything easily, sometimes I question that I don’t have any obstacle because I am young. Is it correct?  What can I do to keep myself to be successful like this all my life or to the next life?

You have quite a lot of merits of giving, keeping precepts and meditating, so these merits have caused you to be handsome, rich, smart, and have good qualities.  Also, you prefer to associate with the wise, it has caused you to be far away from the bad things e.g. the drug.
Some stars or singers are famous in the short period because they made donation in the short period and not continuously.  They made donation periodically.  Some stars or singers are famous in the long period because they made donation more than the first ones and rather did it continuously.  If the audiences are not aroused in lust when they are watching the stars or singers’ acting, it is okay.  But if not, the stars or singers get sin and the copiers will get sin as well.  The copiers will trouble similarly to the sexy models.
You have shown in TV and magazine. If you are the good model, you get merit.  If you are the bad model, you get sin.  If you say good things, the readers read it and feel good then, you get merit.  If not, you get sin.  For example, you have a fried banana, you meet a monk or a child and you offer it to the monk or the child, you get merit.  But if you have a fried banana and you meet your rival accidently, you throw it to him, you get sin.  Merit or sin is in everything like this, you have to understand it.
In the previous lifetime you cherished your extended family and in this life you have a good humor, always smile, speak politely and are good–looking, so people who see you like you and would like to support you.  You must not be careless in living because you are young.  If you want your next life to be better than this, you have to make offering, keep precepts and meditating regularly all your life and you should to persuade others to do as well.

By Khunkru Maiyai
May 10th, 2005


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