Answer by Law of Kamma :- The Nightclub Singer

An audience has a husband who has a sideline as a nightclub singer. What will this job affect the singers?

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[ Jan 2nd, 2011 ] - [ read : 18265 ]
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The Nightclub Singer

Questions from the audience:
My husband is the government teacher.  He does not drink or smoke.  He also does not play gamble.  He has a sideline job as a nightclub singer and musician.  Singing and playing music at night will bring sin to the singers and musicians. Is it correct?  How does it affect?

Music in the nightclub is one reason that attracts people to spend the night travelling.  The night travelling is one of the six roads to ruin.  Even though it is just for entertainment and you husband can earn more money, it supports people to spend the night travelling indirectly.  When they spend the night travelling, they will drink alcohol; flirt with some girls, and others which may break the precepts or doing something which is one of the six roads to ruin.  So the singers, who attracted the visitors to go there, will have the indirect retributions such as they will reborn in the family whose member is insane, deaf, or retarded and they will trouble because of that one.

Six roads to ruin
1.  Drinking alcohol
2.  Spending the night travelling
3.  Always seeing the recreation
4.  Playing the gambles
5.  Associating with the bad persons
6.  Being lazy to work

By Khunkru Maiyai
December 1st, 2003


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