Dokmaiban Meditation Program

If you are looking for a meditation program, Dokmaiban Meditation program is your answer. We have three meditation places for you. For more information, please read the details.

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[ Feb 3rd, 2011 ] - [ read : 18274 ]
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Let’s meditate in the Dokmaiban Program
At the Meditation Centers near Bangkok
Meditation Retreat for 3 or 7 days


When someone would like to seek for a good place to meditate effectively, it depends on many factors which are residence, food, people and meditation place. Especially the places which have arranged the qualified meditation retreat many times until you can trust.  This kind of meditation places would make you happy both physically and mentally and you can attain the real inner peace easily.
The meditation places have to be quiet, shady, cool and pleasant which will support the practitioners to be calm and peaceful easily.  About the residence, it would not be too extravagant, too comfortable and inconvenient.  It would be free of all kinds of paths to ruins.  And the food should be provided to the practitioners well.  Like the Lord Buddha’s teaching about the Four Conveniences which are
    The convenience of place:    good residence, well location and good atmosphere
    The convenience of people:    surrounding with good people who make you happy
    The convenience of food:    clean, delicious and enough food
    The convenience of Dhamma:    the right practice which fits to the practitioner

The Most Ven. Phrarajbhavanavisudh (Dhammajayo Bhikkhu) has thought to build the meditation places outside the temple where their locations and weather are appropriate and surrounding by the beautiful and shady nature.  The weather is cool and comfortable.  Your body and mind will rest and be free from all duties and concerns so that you can learn the Lord Buddha’s Dhamma happily and easily.
Firstly, there were small groups of practitioners circulating to meditate at many meditation centers where the nature is fresh such as Mount Suthep National Park, Phu Rua,  Phu Kradung, etc. from 1982 till 1992, 10 total years.  This duration was counted to be the experimental period of meditation management system to improve places and people to support the mass practitioners in the future.  From the 10-year experience, we are successful in managing the private place to be the first meditation place – Panawat Garden.  We can set the entire management system to decrease all obligations effectively and aim to encourage the Dhamma Attainment optimally.  We can provide the mentioned Four Conveniences which many people call our meditation places “the Heavens on Earth.”

Now we have three meditation places for you which are
1.    Panawat Garden, the Meditation Center in Chiang Mai province

In the cool, calm, and clear weather at Panawat Garden, we have arrange the space proportionally and appropriately on the hundreds Rai of land.  This place is surrounding with the colorful nature with various kinds of flowers in the garden.  More than the convenient and comfortable place, it is also simply and we have the meditation room which is able to hold up to 500 people.  The practitioners will be happy with the delicious special menus from the best chefs.  Our food is clean and rich of nutrients such as the toxic-free vegetables, tasty fruit juice, etc. which you can select to taste them seasonally.

2.    Himawan Forest Garden, the Meditation Center in Loei province

People who had visited this land have agreed to say that they were impressed with the charming of the sea of fog city and the beautiful flowers blossoming over Phu Rua, it is hardly to forget.  The wide area of Himmawan Forest Garden is located among the Phu Rua Forest which is 900 meters higher than the sea level.  The average weather is about 5 – 25 degrees Celsius.  They are the high mountains lying complicatedly and altering with the plain partially.  So it is called “Phu Rua”.

3.    World Peace Valley, the Meditation Center in Khao Yai

If you are looking for the meditation center near Bangkok and spend a little travelling time, World Peace Valley is your answer.  You will be exactly relax both physical and mind.  This place is located near the tropical and mixed forests of Khao Yai, so it has been affected by the monsoon.  This makes the weather there is cool through the year.  It is not too hot or cold.  The flowers in the forests are blossoming seasonally.  The average weather is about 23 degrees Celsius.  The meditation building is located on the hill and is able to hold about 400 people.  The residences are fully convenient.  The scene is clear and fine which you can view with pleasure for all 360 degrees.  These will make you to forget your serious times perfectly.

For more information and booking, please call Dokmaiban Call Center: 0–2831–1130


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