Meditation Instructions

Meditation is a state of ease, inner peace and happiness that we can bring into being, ourselves. It is a practice recommended by Buddhism for happiness,

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Meditation Instructions
 Meditation : Peace position
Meditation Technique 
     Meditation is a state of ease, inner peace and happiness that we can bring into being, ourselves. It is a practice recommended by Buddhism for happiness, non-reck-lessness, mindfulness and wisdom in everyday life. It is no mystery, but something which can be easily practiced by all, following the technique taught by Phramonkolthepmuni (Sodh Candasaro), Luang Phaw Wat Paknam as follows:
Step-by-Step Instructions for the Meditation Technique
paying respect to the triple gem
(1)  Paying respect to the Triple Gem : To start one should soften one’s mind by paying respect to the Triple Gem, before taking Five or Eight Precepts to consolidate one’s virtue;
Recollect your goodness 
recollect your goodness
(2)  Recollect your goodness: Kneel or sit with your feet to one side and think of all the good deeds you have done throughout the day, from your past, and all the good deeds you intend to do in the future. Recollect these good deeds in such a way, until you fill as if your whole body seems to be made up of tiny particles of goodness;
meditation instructions
 sit for meditation
(3)  Sit for meditation, relaxing body and mind: Sit in the half-lotus position, upright with your back and spine straight-cross-legged with your right leg over the left one. Your hands should rest palms-up on your lap, and the tip of your rightindex finger should touch your left thumb. Try to find a position of poise for yourself. Don’t take up a position where you have to force or force or stress yourself unnaturally but at the same time, don’t slouch! Softly close your eyes as if you were falling asleep. Don’t squeeze your eyes shut and make sure you have no tension across your eyebrows. Relax every part of your body, beginning with the muscles of your face, then relax your face, neck shoulders, arms, chest, trunk and legs. Make sure there are no signs of tension on your forehead or across your shoulders. Focus on the task in hand, creating a feeling of ease in your mind. Feel that the you are entering upon a supreme state of calm and ease with both body and mind.
Meditation:Cyrstal ball 
Imagine a crystal ball
(4)  Imagine a crystal ball as the object of your meditation: Imagine a clear, bright, flawless crystal ball as if it is floating at the centre of your body (see seventh base of the mind in the illustration). The crystal ball should be pure and soothing, like twinkling starlight to the eye. At the same time, softly repeat the sound of the mantra ‘Samma-Araham’ to again. Alternatively you can start by imagining the crystal ball at the first base of the mind, and gradually move it down to the seventh base via the other six bases (see diagram) while repeating the mantra to yourself.
Meditation technique
center of the body
     Once the crystal ball becomes visible at the centre of the body, continue to maintain a feeling of ease, as if the mental object seen is part of that feeling. If the crystal ball should disappear, don’t feel disappointed-just keep the same feeling of ease in your mind as before, and imagine a new crystal ball in place of the old. If the mental object should appear anywhere else other than the centre of the body, gradually lead the object to the centre of the body, without using even the slightest of force. When the mental object has come to a standstill at the centre of the body, place the attention at the centre of that object, by imagining that there is an additional tiny star visible there.
close your eyes
Meditation for Beginners
     Focus your mind continuously on the tiny star at the centre of the object of meditation. The mind will adjust itself until it comes to a perfect standstill. At that point, the mind will fall through the centre and there will be a new brighter sphere which arises in place of the original one. This new sphere is known as the ‘Pathama-magga sphere’ or ‘sphere of Dhamma’. This sphere is the gateway or trailhead to the pathway to Nirvana. Imagining the object of meditation is some thing you can do the whole of the time, wherever you may be, whether sitting, standing, walking, lying-down or performing other activities. It is advised to imagine in such a way continuously at every moment of the day-but imagining without force.
How to Meditate
      No matter how well you manage, you should be contented with your level of progress, in order to prevent excessive craving for immediate results becoming a hindrance to your progress. If you meditate until having attained a steadfast, diamond-bright ‘sphere of Dhamma’ at the centre of your body, you should try to maintain it by recollecting it as continuously as you can. In such a way, the benefits of your meditation will not only keep your life on the pathway of happiness, success and non-recklessness, but also ensure your continuing progress in meditation.

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