Steve Jobs Part 2 : what made him so innovative?

What made Steve Jobs so clever and uniquely creative that he could create novel and innovative products that have had a global impact? What made each of his products a success sought after by the people all over the world?

Dhamma Articles > Where is Steve Jobs?
[ Aug 23rd, 2012 ] - [ read : 18267 ]
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A Case Study about the Law of Kamma

Steve Jobs Part 1 : Where is he now?
Steve Jobs Part 2 : What made him so innovative ?
Steve Jobs Part 3 : What caused Steve Jobs to be a successful businessman?
Steve Jobs Part 4: What previous deeds caused him to die from pancreatic cancer? Part 1
Steve Jobs Part 5:  What previous deeds caused him to die from pancreatic cancer?  Part 2
The Hereafter News:  Steve Jobs, the Final Part
Comments on the information about “Steve Jobs, where is he now?” in different websites

       After the DMC Channel presented information about “Steve Jobs, where is he now?” we find that other websites have made conclusions about this presentation in their own websites based on their personal opinions

        Our presentation has never been meant to intentionally insult or defame anyone.  It is rather for the specific purpose of learning about the Law of Kamma.  We would like to ask that each reader exercises his best judgment regarding this matter.   
        “Where is Steve Jobs now?” presents knowledge about the Law of Kamma and the round of rebirth undergone by every living being in such a way as to make it easy to understand.  Here, we learn about the reality of life so that we can gain an understanding about why we are born, where we will go after we die, what is our life’s objective, how must we conduct our life, etc.  The information allows one to become fearful of unwholesome deeds and their destructive consequences, to be more mindful about performing wholesome deeds, and to see the importance of meditation practice in one’s daily life.

         The information presented here is but one view and one has the right to believe or disbelieve it.

The Team

The Hereafter News:  Steve Jobs, Part 2
What made Steve Jobs so innovative?

Taken from the Inner Dreams Kindergarten Program

Inner Dreams
I close my eyes and dream away, I wake up and yawn once
before telling you this story.

        The second question:  What caused Steve Jobs to be so clever and uniquely creative that he could create novel and innovative products that have had a global impact?  What made each of his products a success and sought after by the people all over the world?

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        Answer:  The factors that caused Mr. Steve Jobs to be so clever and uniquely creative that he could create novel and innovative products which have had a global impact originated in the Wisdom Perfection and Generosity Perfection accumulated by Mr. Steve Jobs throughout many previous lifetimes.  It is like a bird when building a nest needs to start with the first twig.  It then adds more and more twigs to it until the nest is completed.  This takes time and effort.  Likewise, to meet with the success of this lifetime, Mr. Steve Jobs had had to accumulate Wisdom Perfection and Generosity Perfection little by little throughout many existences.

          It will not be possible to give details about the way he accumulated Wisdom  Perfection and Generosity Perfection in every lifetime because all of us have been reborn in the Human Realm countless times and it will take earth ages to go over every lifetime.  Therefore, I will cite just a few lifetimes in order to give the students a better idea about the working mechanism of the Law of Kamma as well as the way Mr. Steve Jobs had accumulated the favorable characteristics that made him highly creative.

             One example is the lifetime that was the beginning of what caused him to be clever and uniquely creative.  In that existence, he was reborn in the family of farmers and living in the period where the country was encountering a drought.  Food was expensive and the people were plagued by many illnesses.  As a result, a large number of people starved to death and died of illnesses.
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       Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence suffered from terrible hunger and he also had to provide for his aging parents who could no longer work.  He felt so pressured that eventually he decided to solve his problem by running away from home to a place that was not affected by the drought.  As a result, his parents suffered such hardships that they eventually died.

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       Although Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence abandoned his parents to find work elsewhere, the retribution for this grave misdeed yielded its fruits within that existence in that he could not succeed in anything he did. 

         However, Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence thought that his failure was caused by the fact that he was slow and lacking in creativity and imagination.

        Sometime later, he had the opportunity to meet a Buddhist monk who achieved meditative attainments.  Having listened to and conversed about the Dhamma with the venerable monk, he came to believe in the Dhamma and the monk.  Moreover, he felt bad for having abandoned his aging parents.

       His guilt made him want to wait on and support the venerable monk to the best of his ability.  And every time he made merit, he would make the same resolute wish.  He asked that he be clever and creative and meet with the highest level of success in everything he does.  He had spent some time waiting on the venerable monk.   

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         In another existence, Mr. Steve Jobs was reborn a farmer and he wanted his farm to be highly productive.  Therefore, he came up with a novel irrigation system.  He called a meeting of the villagers to tell them about his idea of channeling the flow of water into his farm and all the farms in the village to make each farm more productive.  Having agreed with the plan, the villagers proceeded to dig ditches and canals according to Mr. Steve Jobs’ design.  As a result, productivity in each farm increased dramatically.

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        In yet another existence, Mr. Steve Jobs was reborn in a village that was often ravaged by natural disasters.  In that existence, he was a good and decent man and he wanted to help the villagers know about the disaster beforehand so that they had time to enter a safe shelter.

         As a result, Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence had endeavored to invent a windmill warning system standing high enough to be clearly visible throughout the village.  The device could send signals over a distance and there was someone was on hand to watch the windmill at all times.  When the device sent out its warning signal because of an approaching disaster, the villagers were prepared to deal with it.

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       In the crucially important lifetime that practically turned his life around, do you want to hear the details now or later?  Now?  O.K.

       In this particular lifetime, he was reborn a handsome man with a beautiful heart in a middle class family.

     The social conditions of the world then were quite similar to how things were in the past in that people earned a living through agriculture and the world was divided into many kingdoms.  

      More importantly, it was the period where Buddhism was present but it had already been split into many different schools.  Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence lived in a Buddhist kingdom and he was a Buddhist as well.  

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      The reason he was reborn a Buddhist in a Buddhist kingdom was that he had accumulated merit by supporting Buddhism and learning about the Lord Buddha’s Teachings throughout many of his previous lifetimes. 

      When Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence grew up, he became a merchant selling dinnerware and kitchenware such as cups, bowls, pots, jars, pans, knives, etc.  He began by taking his merchandise to different villages inside the kingdom and then to a neighboring kingdom.  He encountered the ups and downs of his business.

       One day, while Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence was taking his merchandise to sell in a particular town, he found a temple that looked clean and peaceful and he felt moved to enter the temple grounds.

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      In the temple grounds, he found some Buddhist monks whose conduct and practice touched his heart and inspired in him a deep faith and respect.  As he continued with his tour of the temple, he met several monks who were sweeping the temple grounds. 

      The sight of the monks and their activity inspired a deep faith and respect in him and he went to pay homage to them.  He later talked to one of the monks there.

      Having talked to the monk, his faith in the monk increased.  He also learnt that the Abbot of the temple was at the time seeking solitude and practicing meditation in a cave somewhere.  It would be quite some time before he returned to the temple.

      Having stayed and conversed with the monk until his heart was filled with the gladness and joy of the Dhamma, he took leave of the monk in order to take his merchandise and sell it in town. 

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      On the way to town, Mr. Steve Job in that existence had a great wish to make merit by offering alms to all the monks who practice righteousness in that temple in spite of the fact that he had little money.  But his great wish to make merit caused him to devise a way to do it.  After a while, the idea came to him.  He had little money but he did have his merchandise.  He could use it to make his wish a reality.  
     And then a bright idea occurred to him.  “Whoever receives his plates and bowls and fills them with food to be offered to the monks at the temple alongside him will receive the plates and bowls for free.”

      As soon as the bright idea came to him, Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence went to the town square and told the town people about his bright idea with a voice and a heart that were filled with joy.

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       Tens of people were walking by and heard him.  They were very interested in his bright idea and came to ask for more details.  They wanted to make merit alongside him and each of them cheerfully asked for a couple of his bowls and plates.

       As a result, Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence had the opportunity to offer different kinds of food to all the monks in the temple every day.  He scheduled the time for each person to offer food so that everyone had the chance to do it.

      On that occasion, although Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence did not have enough money to offer food to the monks every day but he was the person whose bright idea made it possible for him and the people to offer food to the righteous monks every day for seven days.  He derived great joy from this merit-making activity.

      Each time he recalled this great merit-making activity, he was overwhelmed with joy.  The passing time and the distance did not affect the joy he felt for having offered food to the righteous monks for seven consecutive days.  

      The town people who made merit alongside Mr. Steve Jobs on that occasion were also filled with joy because they not only made merit together as a group but they also received Mr. Steve Jobs’ free bowls and plates.  

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       A year went past and Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence returned to sell his merchandise in the same town once again.

       Before he went into town to sell his merchandise, he stopped by the temple to pay homage and talk to the Buddhist monk that he had met and talked to the year earlier.  The monk told him that in a few days the Abbot would be returning from practicing meditation in a cave.

      As soon as Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence heard the news, he was filled with great excitement and anticipation.  He felt very happy because he had been waiting to meet the Abbot since the earlier year.  His excitement and anticipation was such that he could hardly sleep.

       Not only was Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence extremely excited and happy about meeting the Abbot, he also had the strong wish to make a huge amount of merit like he had done the year earlier.  He immediately went into town to sell his merchandise so that he could have the money for making merit.

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       When Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence arrived into town with his merchandise, he began putting it on display.  But while he was doing this, he was astonished to find that more and more customers were coming and they were packed tightly in front of the display waiting to buy his merchandise.  As soon as he was finished, he was once again astonished to find that his merchandise was selling like hot cakes that year when he hardly sold anything the year earlier.

       Now, the reason his merchandise did not sell well the year before was that it was more expensive than the merchandise offered by other merchants.  Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence had to name a higher price for his merchandise because he was confident that his merchandise was of superb quality.

       Being a newcomer in town and his merchandise being more expensive were the reasons he could hardly sell anything the year earlier.

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        The reason his merchandise sold like hot cakes a year later was that the people who received free plates and bowls from him had the opportunity to use them.  They were very impressed with the quality but did not know where they could buy more of these products because the merchant had already left their town.  As a result, by word of mouth, his knives, pans, pots, jars, plates, cups, bowls became known as being of the highest quality.  Therefore, once the people heard that the same merchant had returned, they rushed to buy his goods before they were all sold out.

       So many people showed up to buy his merchandise that he ended up making a lot of money.  He did not need to use any promotion scheme.  He could not help but feel so proud and happy.   

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       Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence went to buy fresh and non-perishable foods so that he could offer them to the monks at the temple.  While there, he waited to meet the Abbot who achieved meditative attainments and had been practicing meditation for the past several months in a cave somewhere.    
     Upon seeing the Abbot, Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence waited patiently, excitedly, and happily to offer food to him. 

      When it was time, Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence offered the food he had prepared to the venerable Abbot.  

      Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence was filled with faith in the Abbot and overwhelmed with joy for having offered him food.

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         With a heart filled with faith and joy, Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence asked to learn meditation practice from the Abbot.  The Abbot granted his request.  He stayed for three months to study meditation, wait on the Abbot, and offer alms to the monks in the temple.  These three months were the months of overwhelming joy for him. 

         Each time he made merit and practiced meditation throughout these three months, he would make the same resolute wish.  He asked to be wealthy, to be able to produce quality products in large numbers, and for the products he designs and produces to be sought after by the people all over the world.  Having practiced meditation for three months, he could experience a light outside his body.  This afforded him much happiness.

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        Later, Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence took his merchandise to sell in different towns as usual but now he also practiced meditation regularly.  As a result, his mind became clear, bright, and powerful.  One of the by-products of regular meditation practice is an abundant supply of good ideas.  Therefore, sometime later he could find the correct approach to market his merchandise.  He could also develop his products and improve their quality to the point that they impressed people in different cities and eventually his products became very well known.

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         Every year during the time that the Abbot of the temple returned from practicing meditation in a cave, Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence would return to the town and invited the town people to make merit alongside him.  He would distribute different kinds of vessels such as pots, jars, plates, bowls, etc., to the people so that they could fill them with food and offer the food to the righteous monks at the temple.  Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence had accumulated merit in this manner regularly for the rest of his life.

        After Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence passed away, the merit accumulated in that lifetime from having regularly every year waited on and supported the Abbot who achieved meditative attainments, from inviting the town people to make merit alongside him, and from practicing meditation until he experienced a bright light outside his body, etc., caused him to be reborn a most handsome celestial being in the celestial realm of Tavatimsa.

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          When it was time for him to cease to be in the Tavatimsa Realm, he was reborn a Buddhist who later became a very famous sculptor.  In that existence, he had the opportunity to accumulate more merit by joining devout Buddhists in building a temple.  He had employed his talents and abilities in building the temple and with a heart filled with great joy.  During the construction, he repeatedly made the same resolute wish that he be wealthy, highly skilled and his works greatly admired and famous. After this existence, he was once again reborn in the Tavatimsa Realm.  

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       When it was time to cease to be in the Tavatimsa Realm, he was reborn in the Human Realm as Mr. Steve Jobs in this existence.  Mr. Steve Jobs loved his work and would like to continue working for a very long time.  Once he worked on something, he was determined to get it done to the best of his ability.  He paid attention to every detail and was determined to continue improving on his work.  These were the characteristics that followed him across lifetimes.

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           The resolute wish and the fruits of merit accumulated by Mr. Steve Jobs throughout many lifetimes especially during the existence as a merchant together with his favorable characteristics came together to cause Mr. Steve Jobs to be so clever and uniquely creative that he could create novel and innovative products that have had a global impact and sought after by the people all over the world.  In the existence as a merchant, he accumulated merit by waiting on and supporting the senior monk who achieved meditative attainments regularly for the rest of his life, by inviting the people to make merit alongside him, by practicing meditation until he could experience a light outside his body, etc.  The favorable characteristics accumulated across many existences include the love for his work, being hard-working, being determined, and the persistence to continue making improvements on each of his products.


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